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doc icon DUGiDocs 27 novembre 2003 Collaborative recommender agents based on case-based reasoning and trust Montaner Rigall, Miquel
out url icon Recercat Collaborative recommender agents based on case-based reasoning and trust Montaner Rigall, Miquel
doc icon DUGiDocs 2007 Embedding Emotional Context in Recommender Systems González Sánchez, Gustavo ; Rosa, Josep Lluís de la ; Montaner Rigall, Miquel ; Delfín, Sònia
doc icon DUGiDocs 18 juny 2007 Information sources selection methodology for recommender systems based on intrinsic characteristics and trust measure Aciar, Silvana Vanesa
out url icon Recercat Information sources selection methodology for recommender systems based on intrinsic characteristics and trust measure Aciar, Silvana Vanesa
doc icon DUGiDocs 2007 Informed recommender: basing recommendations on consumer product reviews Aciar, Silvana Vanesa ; Zhang, Debbie ; Simoff, Simeon ; Debenham, John
doc icon DUGiDocs 16 juny 2008 Methodology to obtain the user’s Human Values Scale from Smart User Models Guzmán Obando, Javier
out url icon Recercat Methodology to obtain the user’s Human Values Scale from Smart User Models Guzmán Obando, Javier
doc icon DUGiDocs 2006 Recommender System Based on Consumer Product Reviews Aciar, Silvana Vanesa ; Zhang, Debbie ; Simoff, Simeon ; Debenham, John

